
German Requisitions on French Output


Raw materials
Corn 13
Hay 19
Meat 21
Fish 30
Potatoes 2
Sugar 1
Tobacco 7
Beer 10
Champagne 56
Spirits 25
Wood 50
Coal 29
Mineral ores 74
Steel 51
Bauxite 50
Aluminum 75
Rubber 38
Sulphuric acid 36
Vegetable oils 40
Wool 59
Cotton 53
Flax 65
Copper 67
Cement 55


Aeronautical 67-100
Automobile 68
Electrical 43
Shipbuilding 78
Chemical 33
Rubber 62
Woollen 28
Cotton 15
Hoisiery 16
Building and public works 72
Quarrying 55


Source: I.C.B. Dear & M.R.D. Foot, The Oxford Companion to World War II.

Last modified: 10 December 2022